Yellow Bungalow Goes Carbon Neutral


At Yellow Bungalow, we believe it’s the little things that make a difference. Although, we’re just a small business, we create a fairly large carbon footprint. You may be asking what a carbon footprint is, exactly, and why is it bad? A carbon footprint is essentially a measurement of at the amount of greenhouse gases, including CO2 a person, or in this case, company produces. Greenhouse gases get into the atmosphere, creating air pollution and warming the earth’s temperature.

Empty office without Victoria and Dorian…

Some of the main sources of carbon emissions come from ordering consumer goods. Unfortunately, from production, to packaging, shipping, and installation, getting beautiful products into the homes of our clients is negatively impacting the planet we live on. Although we can’t eliminate all of the factors of our business that are harming the planet, we can strive to be environmentally conscious.

In 2020, one of our goals was to become a carbon neutral company. We hoped to offset the negative effects of our job by donating to a cause that helps combat climate change. 

Over the past year, we’ve been donating through an app called Klima. Klima analyzes each user’s individual carbon footprint and sets a monthly donation goal. They then use all of the money donated to fund projects that help remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Some of their projects include planting trees, funding renewable energy like solar power, and providing clean cookstoves for people in developing countries. 

Solar panels installation

3 projects:

revive ecosystems, push green innovation & support communities

Clean cooking stoves

Planting trees not only removes CO2 from the air, but also provides homes for wildlife, promotes biodiversity, and replaces trees lost to deforestation. By choosing to use solar energy instead of energy generated by burning coal, we are reducing the amount of harmful pollutants entering the air and bringing clean electricity to millions.

In Ghana, Klima provides clean cooking stoves to both local chefs and home cooks, which saves money, reduces time spent cooking, and saves trees. 

Although this is just a small step towards being an environmentally conscious business, we’re happy to contribute where we can. 

Let us know if you think of other ways we can positively impact the environment. We’d love to hear your ideas below!

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